
 Dementia Advocacy

Hello, my name is Jasmine Hwang, PhD student in Nursing at the University of Calgary. Dementia Advocacy Lab is my virtual research lab where I aspire to be a collaborative researcher and advocate, speaking about issues important to people who are affected by the illness in various ways. Here I share relevant writings, research progress, and findings.


Social and health environments conducive to healthy aging for all

I envision our everyday living environments conducive to healthy aging regardless of age, illness, and other identity factors. My professional goal is to improve health and quality of life for older adults with dementia and their carers by making their voices loud and clear in the healthcare decision-making process through research and knowledge translation.

Jasmine Jihye Hwang, MN RN GNC(C)

Doctoral Candidate, Nursing, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary

Clinical Nurse Specialist – Gerontology

Link to Profile

ARNET Scholar – Media

A higher quality of life with dementia is achievable in supportive and inclusive health environments.